Understanding the Psychology of Hearing Loss Denial
When someone starts having trouble hearing, accepting this change
If you have hearing loss, wearing a hearing aid can significantly enhance your hearing function and improve your quality of life. However, it’s important that your hearing devices work optimally and fit comfortably. Having a hearing aid fitting gives you the opportunity to consult a hearing instrument specialist (HIS) and have them professionally adjust your hearing devices. With their experience and expertise, they can ensure that your hearing aid is functioning well and that it’s providing the best auditory experience. To find out exactly how a hearing aid fitting is carried out and the benefits they offer, take a look at these four important factors in any successful hearing aid fitting: 1. Assessing your hearing function Before you can find the best hearing aid for you, it’s advisable to have an up-to-date hearing function test. This will identify whether you have hearing loss or determine whether there has been any change in your hearing function since your last test. Some people with hearing aids use the same settings for years, without realizing that minor adjustments can substantially enhance its functionality. By having your hearing function tested prior to a fitting, you can ensure that your hearing aid can be adjusted to your unique needs. Additionally, some hearing devices are more suited to certain types of hearing loss. An in-the-ear (ITE) or in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aid might be suitable for mild or moderate hearing loss, for example, while a behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing device might be better if you have more severe hearing loss. A hearing function test will confirm which types of hearing devices are likely to offer the best experience.
Today’s modern hearing aids are packed full of advanced technology and impressive features. From automatic noise reduction and tinnitus masking to wireless connectivity and direct audio inputs, there is a lot to explore. Choosing a hearing aid with the right features ensures it will complement your lifestyle and improve your quality of life, so it’s well worth spending time finding out what features are available and how they all work. Fortunately, your hearing instrument specialist will be happy to help you with this. In addition to explaining more about the technology and features, they’ll also be able to show you different styles and models, so you’ll get a clear idea of which ones you prefer.
Your hearing function is unique to you, which means default settings rarely offer the optimal auditory experience. At your hearing aid fitting, your HIS will adjust the settings on your hearing device, so that it delivers the highest level of functionality and auditory comfort. Depending on the hearing aid you have, you may be unable to adjust the more advanced settings yourself. Due to this, it’s important to have routine fittings, so that your hearing instrument specialist can modify the settings using professional tools or software.
When you’re wearing a hearing aid, ideally you should forget about it altogether! Of course, this is going to be hard to do if your hearing aid keeps falling out or if it causes any irritation in your ear. During a hearing aid fitting, your HIS will ensure that your hearing devices can be worn comfortably at all times. Often, slight adjustments can be made to the physical components of a hearing aid, which ensures a better fit. Alternatively, new custom pieces can be produced to create the perfect fit. This not only increases your comfort when wearing your hearing aids, but it also means that you’re more likely to use your hearing devices and enjoy an optimal auditory experience.
Working with the right professionals is always important when you’re having your hearing function tested, choosing new hearing aids or having a hearing aid fitting. As well as being knowledgeable and having the right expertise, your hearing instrument specialist should also be a supportive member of your medical care team and devote their time to ensuring your hearing aid provides the functionality, features and comfort you deserve. With a HIS on hand to provide assistance and advice, you can ensure that your hearing devices always deliver the best experience. At the Hearing Guy, we’re committed to providing you with compassionate, professional care at every stage of your journey. To find out more or to arrange a hearing aid fitting today, contact The Hearing Guy now at (828) 333-5781.
When someone starts having trouble hearing, accepting this change
Have you ever thought about how hearing loss might affect your ability to
Changes in your hearing can be a little unnerving, but finding a solution